Sunday, June 14, 2009

Today's Thrifty Treasures
brought to you by
Southern Hospitality.

Be sure to go over and check out all the great treasures
and thank Rhoda for hosting.

I have been finding a lot of great loot lately.

Like these three treasures.
$2.00 for the two pots,
and the green thingies were free!!
I think maybe make them cream and antique them.

How about some wire and garden 'stuff'.
Paid $9.00 for all this.
Love the little old bowl with the birds,
and you know some of the other
things will end up being cream or green. =0)

And have i shown you this sweet little girl?
I just love her sweet face and the colors in her dress.
She will get a new frame that doesn't
cut off the banner at the top.

Those are my thrifty treasures for today.

thanks for joining in,
and don't forget to check out the giveaway
at the top of my blog.
We should have a winner soon. =0)

Barbara Jean


  1. See you are the best thrifter I've ever known LOL. Great deals! Cute things!

    All the best,

  2. Hi Barbara JEan !
    Wow you really got some great buys !
    I love your free stuf (what could get better ?)
    The picture of that little girl is very sweet !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  3. That last little girl is sure a cutie! Nice items - thanks for sharing!

  4. You got some great treasures for such a great price!! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. Wow!!! I, too, love the little bird bowl...too cute!

    Tana@Crafting R&R

  6. Oh, you found some wonderful things! Love the urn, and the birdcage. Wouldn't you know it, now that I have decided that I need a birdcage, they are nowhere to be found!

  7. Hi!!
    I love reading your blog :)

    What great finds this week!!! Love that you use the term "thingies" too, teehee!!

    That old picture/painting is awesome! cant wait to see it with a new frame, dont forget to show us!

  8. WOW! once again you have the best treasures!!

  9. There isn't a thing on this post that I don't love! The little bird bowl is adorable is probably my favorite. I have a thing for birdies these days... Good loot, good prices, good girl!

  10. Wow...great treasures! That is really some good stuff. Is it all from yard sales? If so, you've got some quality sales near you. Especially love the bircage and the FREE green things. It doesn't get any better than free!


  11. All I can say is way to go. Great finds. Happy Thrifty Monday.

  12. Cute things you found, BJ! Very nice, love the birdie bowl the best.


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean