Wednesday, June 17, 2009

In the shop today.


Some of you know i have started a blog shop.

I am trying to figure out how to
put some of my store pics up across the top.
I can't figure out how to do that as you
must remove one pic in order to put another up.

Thanks for the help anyone. =0))

Barbara Jean


  1. I was talking about the pic for your shop that you show on your blog....kind of like a logo or something.....that way you would have to mess with that ~ The banner is fun to change so you could keep changing that if you want to. It's just an idea though. You do what you love...that makes you happy!!! xxoo, Dawn

  2. Barb! I am in love with your scale AND the fan...are you selling the fan? Someone offered to sell me one from their blog but I can't remember who and I can't find the e-mail! LOL! Thanks for joining in on the party!

  3. Barbara, It might be better to put up a slideshow widget in the sidebar. Simply go to and create your widget and just add new photos to the slideshow wehnever you have a new one.

  4. Yup , me loving that ol' fan too!!!!!!!
    Cheers , Helen


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I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean