Thursday, September 3, 2009

Get Ready for

Get R Done Friday

Get R Done Friday

Are you working on your projects??

See you tomorrow to show you what I've been working on.
Can't wait to see yours!!

barbara jean

Oh, and stay tuned next Tuesday for another fun event!!


  1. I AM working on my projects!!! Spray painting something this afternoon, actually. :) Thanks for the visit!

  2. Hi Barb! aren't we ALWAYS working on a project? We are having a fun activity on Mondays and thought you might want to participate!
    Clara & Marcela

  3. I'm waiting to see what you have up your sleeve for Friday - thanks for participating, as always! I have Mr. Linky running now!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean