Monday, November 9, 2009


second time around tuesday

Three or More Tuesday

Three or More Tuesday

We had a great vacation.
Equal parts, shop, craft, and golf. =0)

I shopped, and crafted, and my sweet fella golfed.

This is the little table i had to craft on while at the time share.
Believe it or not, I had about 6 projects going on there
at the same time. =0))
(that is one of my 3 or mores.)

Here are three views from our 5th floor room.

It overlooked the golf course...

Beautiful huh?
And yes, that is sunshine!
It was nice most of the week before the rain found us.
(we were just 4 hours from home, and in Oregon, it can rain anytime!!)

Here is another 3 or more, and my second time around.
These are the 13 windows i got, and have not even taken them out of the car yet!
(nowhere to put them. Shop is all torn up, and storage full!)
We have only been home 2 days, so they are just fine in there,
till i need room to put more 'stuff' i buy. =0)

I can hardly wait to get some of them made up into my 'project'.
Maybe a 'get r done' in a couple of weeks. =0))

Blessings all and have a super week.

Barbara Jean

PS In case you are wondering, on top of the windows is an old radio cabinet,
and an old truck. Cool color huh?


  1. Hi Barbara Jean,
    Wow! It certainly looks like you've been a very busy lady on vacation.
    I love the picture with the old truck and teddy bear. Too cute!
    Have a wonderful day friend,

  2. I am so glad that you had a good time. There is so much to see in Oregon. It is so much fun to buy on vacation. Looks like you had some shopping fun.
    Happy Tuesday, Mary

  3. That's awesome.. three or more projects at once... Now that's what I call multi-tasking!

  4. I just came back from a vacation last week. I now wish I was still gone on vacation. Been hard to adjust to the time change and all. I am still so tired in the evenings. Looking forward to seeing your projects.



Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean