Friday, December 4, 2009

It's a Pink Saturday Christmas!

This pink Saturday we are supposed
to post about our 'pink' Christmas memories.

I guess I do not have a lot of memories about Christmas.....

But the one I do remember,
Is the year I peeked under the bed to see what the presents were.

Now you have to know, I was a shy, quiet, little girl,
who hardly ever got into trouble.
Well, it seems like I got a lot of spankings,
but it was not because i was bad.
I just got spankings.

OK, on with the story.

This is not the sack.
I'm sure the sack was very plain.
Nothing fancy, just a plain old sack.

But since today is Pink Christmas Saturday,
we'll pretend it was a pretty pink sack like this.

And I really do not remember if the sack was under the bed,
or hidden in the closet.

I do remember clearly what was in the sack.

A skirt.
Maybe one I had seen and wanted.
I do not remember about that.

But I liked the skirt, and if I could draw
on the computer, I could draw it for you.
I remember it well in my minds eye.
Or at least I think I do.

What I do remember, and I have no doubt about this,
is the guilt I felt.

I had peeked.
I had ruined the surprise.
I had done what good little girls are not supposed to do.
I had looked at my Christmas present.

What if they found out?

What if they could just look at me and know?
Would I still get it?

Well, you know I did.

And I remember is how hard it was
to act surprised when I opened my package.

I never looked again after that year.

That is my Christmas memory.


Now, here are just some general pinks for your viewing pleasure.

Go ahead, you can peek!!

Now get on over and see the other pink Christmas posts!!

Pink Saturday

Pink Saturday

Thanks for hosting Beverly.

Blessings and Happy Pink Christmas Saturday to all.

Barbara jean


  1. Happy Pink Saturday Barbara Jean...
    I love your story. It is so cute. Thank you for sharing it with me.

    I hated spankings to. We always told on ourselves because we felt guilty. I remember that too.

    Love your pinks sweetie. Thanks for sharing. Please stop by and let me share my childhood memory wit you. Country hugs...Sherry

  2. On this first Saturday of December ♥Jappy Pink Saturday♥. I was away for a while and sure missed running around the blogs arnd seeing all of the goodies everyone was sharing.

    Thanks for the memory...

    It was a blessing for you to make my morning so much fun. Hoping that you and those you care about spend a wonderful weekend making memories that will last a lifetime☺

  3. Very similar to my guilt for looking at packages, Barbara Jean. And it ruined Christmas morning for me, too. Now I don't even ask for things so that everything's a surprise!

  4. Hi Barbara,
    Happy Pink Saturday to you!!! I am not participating this week but I wanted to pop over and see what everyone else posted.

    I love that first pink pretty.

  5. tsk, were just a little girl and secrets are so tempting when you are small. Happy Pink Saturday!

  6. Beautiful pinks, Barb! I remember peeking at Christmas presents, too. It was never satisfying. Much better to be surprised! Happy Pink Saturday!

  7. Ooooooo, how I love those little mittens..the tea set..and that tiny dress. Just gorgeous and beautiful..all of it. I did make some mittens, but yours are much pretties.. I should have done the ribbons..etc in pink, rather than red. Yours are softer and sweeter. Happy Pinks and have a lovely weekend.

  8. Love your post, and all your pink.
    Hope you have a happy pink saturday

  9. Hi and Happy Pink Saturday to you! I enjoyed your story and I feel a little sad to think of how shamed you were for doing just what came naturally. I truly never want to know what's in a box either but don't know where that came from. I just like to be surprised. Merry Christmas! Hugs, Mollye

  10. Barara Jean, these are absolutely adorable pinks! Just as cute as can be.

    And as to your story, you sound like me. I can remember doing something bad like that and feeling terrible about it.

    Love to you and a Happy Pink Saturday (sorry I'm a tiny bit late popping by)!


    Sheila :-)

  11. Barbra, I can't believe I did not join your blog before this. (But thanks for joining mine.).as it prompted me to come over and take a closer look at your blog.

    Re;- Christmas...I remember doing the same thing when I was young..only it was not my own gift I would find, it would be my siblings ( there were FIVE of us) not too many places our parents could hide things in our house for that many children.
    We only received one or two small gifts each.. each my parents were not wealthy people.
    I don't think I ever told my siblings what I had least no one ever told me I did.

    ( Laughing)


  12. Lovely pink things you have shared with us today. Glad you got your skirt, Christmas is more fun if we don't know what we are getting. no peaking:)
    pink blessings!

  13. Barbara Jean, I hope that didn't spoil Christmas for you that year. I loved the pinks you gathered to share with us today. Thanks for giving us permission to peek :-). Have a great day.

  14. Barbara Jean, I had a very similar was never a temptation again to peek into my Christmas presents. Interesting that we both felt guilt when doing something we shouldn't...little nudgings that help us stay on the narrow path.

    Love all your pretty pinks for this Saturday...especially that little tea set!

    Have a blessed Sunday!


  15. Oh Barbara Jean, the things we learn as we are growing up. You spoiled a sweet surprise and learned your lesson as so many of us did and still do. I love your story because we all either did that, or wanted to. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  16. Of course you didn't get spankings because you were bad!!! I would never believe such a thing.

    Shame on you for peeking. I peeked once, too, and I never did it again because my mother did catch me - and she cried. I felt less than an inch high.

    Happy Pink Saturday, Barbara Jean. I love all of your pretty pinks.


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean