Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thrifty Vintage Thursday

Old lamp parts
(I'll tell you about them later.)

Here is a little something from the thrift store.

It is 100 yards (YES, I SAID 100 YARDS!!!)

It is 1" wide 'something' like ribbon.
Only it is too stiff to tie in a bow.
(calls it a 1" 'tape' on the roll)
I have some wonderful projects in mind for it.
(think crosses)
And yes, it will take me 100 years to use it all. =0)
But, it was less than nine cents a yard with my senior discount!!!

Now that's thrifty!!!

Not so thrift, but definitely vintage, and had to have 'em treasures.

A whole basket of lamp parts.

Look at all these wonderful shapes.
And all so tarnished and perfect.

How about using this for the base of a beautiful glass plate or bowl.

And the two top ones here are wonderful Christmas stars.
And the other a trim on some wonderful old sign.

I paid $10.00 for it all, which
seemed like a lot at the time.
But I have had that much pleasure just looking at them,
and imagining.

This is a vintage tin I bought recently.
No great bargain either, but I loved it.
I've taken pictures of all the sides,
because they all have different and beautiful pictures on them.

Isn't it beautiful?

I'm linking up with these nice folks today.

Thrifty Thursday

vintage thingies thursday

vintage thingies thursday

Go on over and see what else people are showing today.

thanks for hosting gals!!

Happy Thursday everyone!!


barbara jean


  1. You found some goodies!

    Great ideas for some uses....

  2. Hello Dearheart...

    I was so happy that you stopped by for a visit today, my friend! How are you doing? I bet you're keeping very busy at the shop...especially this time of the year!

    Barb, I just love all those old vintage lamp parts!!! That frenchy ornate lamp base is soooo beautiful!!! I just know that you are going to come up with something pretty using it! I just love stuff like that you, I could just sit and look at all the beauty of it!!! Ohhh...and your vintage tin is gorgeous!!! It really does have the most beautiful pictures on it! What are you going to do with it?

    Well Darlin' good to visit with you!

    Warmest wishes and Christmas blessings to you and your family...

    Chari @Happy To Design

  3. Oh my! I cannot WAIT to see what you do with those old lamp bases! Those would make the perfect pedestals!! Some great finds indeed! I will be on the lookout for some~ I never even thought of using these!! And that box is so pretty! What are you going to use it for? (and which lovely side do you like the most?) :)

  4. Hi, Barbara Jean,
    You certainly found some great treasures there. I really love that metal box. The paintings on it are so beautiful. With your creative mind, I am sure you will create some amazing things with those old lamp parts. Have a beautiful week and many blessings to you! Vicki

  5. Oh the treasures you found are beyond words... don't you just love when pieces talk to you... can't wait to see what you do with them... love that tin box, beautiful.

    Hugs Deb

  6. Oh boy I can't wait to see what you do with all those lovely lamp parts!! I love stuff like that!! I have a roll of ribbon like that- it is black and looks like grossgrain but don't try to tie a bow with it!! Crosses sound great!


  7. Do you have plans to finish the bases in the near future??? GET R DONE!!! Great items today!

  8. I always love your finds...
    Living it up at Lakewood,

  9. What a beautiful pictorial tin and all of those lamp parts are a bargain!!!!!

    'Way to go, Barb! You're the best treasure hunter yet!



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I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean