Monday, December 7, 2009

Two or More and Second Time Around Tuesday

Second Time Around:

Vintage Doll Baby Shoes

Cute anywhere you put them.

In this picture is also vintage music paper,
used for the flower nest,
and, an old jar and button used in the Ps 139 art piece.

Here are 2 or more:


Volkswagon Vans.

Yes, three of them.
All different ones, in different places on my walk one morning.

These are real oldies but goodies.

And here are 3 sacks of 'treasures' from a store closing it's doors.

Sad to see, but they are on to another endeavor
and i know they'll do well.

How about 2, or 3, or 4 ...... or more books

A wonderful set ...

of children's books.....

second time around tuesday

Three or More Tuesday

Three or More Tuesday

Thanks for hosting ladies.


barbara jean


  1. Barbara Jean, I received my sweet package with the gorgeous blue plate and enclosed was your precious "Friends" artpiece. Thank you so very much! It is a treasure...

  2. The music paper in the picture looks wonderful. I've been meaning to try that. And of course any little bitty shoes attract attention; so cute. I can't believe t; 3 VW vans , even the same colors!!

  3. I love the vintage baby shoes in any setting. Sooo cute. The VW's in green are a hoot. You won't find that just anywhere again.

    Love the books too. I enjoyed your post today.

    Hugs, Jeanne

  4. Baby shoe are so sweet..they make me smile. Love the way you placed them with your handmade treasures.
    Deb :)

  5. I just adore vintage baby shoes!
    My best friend has an orange VW bus exactly like those, what memories!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean