Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Yard Decor and Flowers. Sweet White Delights

Outdoors at my house:

By the front walk.....

Thundercloud Plum in our front yard.

A bit of white yard decor.
(if you click on the pic you will see
my little pigs on the ground,
and my chickens on top of the white stand.

Bunnies in back.....
Big brother, and little sis.

Next week I'll you Ma and Pa bunny,
getting ready for Spring clean-up.

Here is my newest nest.
It is on an old, already nicely shabby and rusty candle base.
I put a tea stained doily under it,
and trimmed it with a raffia bow, and key.
Here it is in a vignette, with old glasses,
and another piece of my art work.

And can't leave without showing you a little red.

vintage buttons with red glass centers.
An old Red, plastic toy phone.
It even dials and rings!

And my sweet fella,
rescuing me.
(another story.)

That's all for today.
Hope you enjoyed your visit.

Please go visit these other wonderful blogs
and thanks to our great hostesses.


Whatcha Working On Wednesdays

Oh, What am I workin' on?


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  1. Spring is in the air! Well, rain is in the air tonight. Your crocus blossoms are lovely, I keep checking for mine...but they've yet to make an appearance.

    Happy Wednesday!

    : )

    Julie M.

  2. Spring is in the air! Well, rain is in the air tonight. Your crocus blossoms are lovely, I keep checking for mine...but they've yet to make an appearance.

    Happy Wednesday!

    : )

    Julie M.

  3. I love your yard ornaments and yard. The purple flowers are beautiful.

  4. Lovely yard and sweet little nest. Your creations are always beautiful. I remember those old plastic phones that rang. I could use one of those around here as our home phone hasnt' work in over a year and no one seems to be able to fix it. :) Many blessings, Tammy

  5. Barbara Jean your posts are always fun! That's a huge plum tree you have in your garden, bet you get a load of that each summer. And there he is again...that wonderful hubby of yours, always with a smile! Whatever would you do without him?
    Hope you are having a happy REDnesday.
    Warmest hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  6. Looks nice outside, Barbara Jean - very pretty. Love the vignette with the birds nest and crocheted doily. Very nice post!

  7. I love that nest on the candle base! You're great at putting together beautiful vignettes inside and out :)

  8. Your garden pics are so pretty! I am longing for Spring! We still have quite a bit of snow here!

  9. Barbara Jean, I bet that people come over to your house and want to start buying your beauties from your yard. It looks so lovely. I love your little purple flowers. We have frost on the ground this morning, so no flowers here yet. Love the birdhouse in the tree. You could frame that picture!

  10. Love your shabby nest, so creative. Looks great!

  11. Loved seeing the beautiful Spring things and all of your shares. Really nice. Have a great Wednesday.

  12. Barbara Jean,
    I luv your little birdhouse and that darling RED phone! Thanks for coming by...it's so nice to meet you:)


  13. I love that beautiful tree and purple flowers on the path. The little bird house is so perfect in between the branches.
    Have a great day.
    Carey from Chicory Nits

  14. I just love your yard...especially the bunnies! I have a soft spot in my heart for all things bunny!

    Your altered candle stand turned out great! I've seen a lot of those type of items when out thrifting but never thought of doing something like this with them...so guess what I'm picking up the next time!

    Oh, and I think I used to have one of those red phones in the toybox at Gramma's when I was growing up! Thanks for jogging the memory!

    Happy WW! Thanks for stopping by my place today! Like I said in the post, you are an inspiration!

  15. Although I came here for the reds, which are really cute, I love you outdoor decorations! Beautifully made! Red greetings, Floortje

  16. Spring has sprung over at your house! Your yard and gardens are decorated so beautifully, and I especially love that bench with the bunnies sitting on it. Oh, and I love the red phone too, of course!
    Happy REDnesday!

  17. Love that red toy telephone. They should make real ones that look just like it. Your plum tree is lovely and I bet it is quite spectacular when it's all in bloom.

    Susan and Bentley

  18. So many lovely goodies Barb!!! I just love each and every thing...you're definitely making me dream of Spring sweetie ~ your husband is so sweet coming to your rescue!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  19. What a pretty yard you have! Happy WW!

  20. Hi Barbara Jean, what beautiful things you make! I love your spring pictures too,... they brought a smile to my face. :0)
    I'm so glad you found my blog. Thank you for your sweet comment. I look forward to following your blog too.
    Blinkles Boulevard

  21. I love the crocuses and the plum tree, and the oink, oink!

    I remember those little phones - they were a blast!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean