Friday, March 26, 2010

New Nest in the Store

I'm getting some things listed on my store blog,
one at a time.
So, get ready to shop. =)

Go HERE for details on this sweet nest.

Blessings on ypou day!

barbara jean


  1. The little nest is soooo sweet. I'm sure it won't last long in your gift shop.
    Hope your having a great day.
    Hugs, Pat

  2. Hop skipping over, Barbara ... love your creations.

    Happy Easter ~
    Pop over for our giveaway.

    Have a great weekend.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  3. Everything looks so wonderful...I adore the ribbon made from torn fabric......and the new nest is adorable.......I'd tell you to keep up the good work, but I know you will!

  4. Hi Barbara!

    This sounds exciting! I will be anxious to visit your store. Will watch for news....

    Have a great weekend!

  5. I just read your nest building tutorial. It was excellent and funny! Oh, an also quite clear and easy to follow. OK. tomorrow I shall nest! Thank you, Thank you! I won't forget the aloe vera!

  6. Nest! LOVE the nest!!! You are so creative - thanks for sharing that. Just seeing all that you do makes me want to be soooo crafty. (If only I was---)



Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean