Sunday, April 25, 2010

Some Sunshine for You and....a Prayer Request

Here is a furry friend....

And some Sunshine sweetness...

a prayer request..again.

Woke up feeling 'fluish' this morning.
Bad headache, and achy all over.
Rested on couch.
Then, got up off couch, and....

pop, pop, pop.

It was my back!
Now I can hardly stand up.

I'm resting today, and hoping to
be back at my shop working on the new room tomorrow.
Still need to paint walls, and lay new carpet,
along with a myriad of other smaller things.

Thanks for your prayers.

Hope to be back here soon, too.

Blessings to you all, and have a great week.

barbara jean

PS I am not discouraged.
'The Lord gave me the vision for the new room and
Tea & Treats,
and He will see me through,
in His time.


  1. Praying for some sunshine for you and for pain relief and healing.

    Hugs to you!
    ~ Jill

  2. Get better soon Barb! Sounds like a visit to the chiro may be in the cards? I hope it's that easy to fix!


  3. Sending prayers your way. My back gives me fits every now and then too. By the way, I love your blog and everything you make.

  4. Thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope you are ably to be up and about to do what you need to do.

  5. Hi Barbara Jean,
    I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I wish you a speedy recovery!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. Sorry to hear your not feeling well. Do take it easy on yourself- I have been the same way for several weeks with the Fibromylgia flares and have been asking the Lord to help me be thankful in all things which is hard when you have so much you want and need to do! I think He is trying to teach me that HE is all I need.

    bee blessed

  7. I'm sending good thoughts your way. I know how frustrating it is to be getting ready to go at a project; however, your get up is gone. You'll feel better soon I'm sure.

  8. Oh dear, Barbara Jean, how frustrating for you. I hope you are not in too much pain and that you will recover properly real soon. Gentle hug, xx

  9. I hope you get well and are able to relax .Sometimes thinking of everything we have to get done makes it harder to relax.My best to you,Sincerely Jonny

  10. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon! I twinged just reading that...ugghhh!!! Big prayers coming your way:)

  11. Dearest Barbara Jean,

    Purrhaps "SOMEONE" is trying to tell you to take some time for a few catnaps....sounds like you are overdoing it. Naturally, there is a prayer for you. Now go rest..purrlease....


    Romeo and "her"

  12. Ohhh, I was stopping by to see how you are and oh goodness. Take care of you! Sometimes, we get slowed down for reasons we don't know. I sure can't figure them out sometimes...sometimes I can. We went through rounds of being sick in the midst of family illness of my SIL - was a tough time but God still worked in and through that. I guess that's when we have to give that "sacrifice of praise"? (Hebrews 13:15, I think). It's hard to do - but God hears it! Amen! Take care! Jenn


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean