Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hearts and Flowers and Projects Galore!!

Don't ya' just love this rock??

It's part of the art my brother has collected
and done in his yard.
Check it out.
None of these are glued together.

Gorgeous white tulips.

This is where my sweet fella and I have dinner sometimes in the summer.
It is in the front yard.
We just sit and watch people go by, and kids playing.
And we enjoy the flowers.

What am I workin' on? Cleanin' up my workroom.

What am I braggin' about?
One shelf done!!!


What else have i been doing?
tea staining work gloves...

making nests....

lots of nests.

Takes lots of cottonwood tree bits to get enough
to fill even these little nests.
See the tiny one in the middle?
It is only 1" across!

And heeere comes.....

Some red......

for you!!

Another cute mailbox!!


I'm joining these wonderful blogs today.
Please go by and say Hi, and see all the wonderful posts they have listed.

barbara jean

Boardwalk Bragfest
Outdoor Wednesday
White Wednesday
Whatcha' Workin' on Wednesday


  1. Love the rocks...so cute and your wonderful flowers as well!!

    Have a wonderful week!

  2. You've been really busy working on some great projects!!

    I hope you're having a beautiful week!

    : )

    Julie M.

  3. Those rocks are really unique!!
    Love your wonderful outdoor space !
    And that is one impressive shelf filled with all of your supplies!! I wish I had one like that!!
    Love the birds nest that you made adn can't wait to see what else you are going to create with them! And that mailbox is just too cute!!

  4. Oh look at all those little nests! So sweet! Love that firetruck mailbox too! Started my PS 139 jar, but am keeping it more pearly white than the worn/tea-stained look. Since I don't have a running printer, I may have to just hand write my scriptures.. We'll see! Love how it looks so far though, and I'll show you when it's done! ~tina

  5. A sweet hello from Frog Hollow Farm. You have certainly been a busy gal, can't believe how adorable those nests are! And a heart shaped rock - just like finding a four leaf clover! Ciao, bella!

  6. Believe it or not, my daycare children are standing beside me admiring your fire truck! 'Oh that is good' said the three year old..now he is going in circles around my table making fire truck sounds, LOL

  7. I have to say we have many, many cottonwoods where I live. A few weeks ago while they were shedding their white fluffy stuff it looked like snowdrifts on the roads. Wish I had known...I could have easily filled boxes to send your way.
    I love the rocks, that heart one is great. Also, the mailbox is too cute.
    Have a wonderful day,
    The Tattered Tassel

  8. barbara jean, what a sweet post....adore the flower, bench....everything!

  9. Hi Barbara Jean,

    Your nests are adorable! That's a great workspace you've got - nice and light and with a big window with a view - very inspirational!


  10. Is that a craft room shelf? It is awesome. Cute mailbox!

  11. Love the heart rock!! Flowers in the garden are fabulous. Your workshop is looking pretty spiffy to me!

  12. Love the rocks! And those nests are so real looking - awesome!!! You have been a very busy lady. The shelf you have finished looks great:)
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  13. That heart rock is amazing! And you are one busy lady!


  14. Love your heart rock and other yard art. YOu should join the garden carnivals at Bloomin Tuesday and Fertilizer Friday - the links are on my blog (I am not affiliated with tem - just love to see all the gardens!) Thanks for sharing - I am going to check out the rest of your blog...Paula in Idaho

  15. Adore the heart rock......and the shelf you HAVE gotten done looks great!

  16. Love that heart rock!! Your little birds nest are so sweet. Can't wait to see what you make with them.

  17. You're the busiest woman in blogland Barbara Jean! I love rocks, and always bring some home from wherever we go, so I really enjoyed the rock art!
    Happy REDnesday!

  18. Love the rock sculpture!! Darling mailbox, so great!

    Happy Rednesday,

  19. Hi Barbara Jean!

    I just love that heart rock, so unique!

    Bless you for getting your workroom organized, I've been putting mine off for months!


  20. WOW!! You are busy!! ;)Love that rock!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  21. I love hearts so that rock is fabulous! What a great mailbox too. I can see that you've been busy crafting. Good luck getting your workroom organized. Dryer sheets roses -- now that is amazing. I'll have to check it out. I don't know how I've missed so many of your past posts. Must take time to really catch up but gotta run for now. Best wishes for a beautiful day! :) Tammy

  22. You sure are busy! Love your cute little nests. Great mailbox. Does it belong to a fireman?

    ~ Tracy

  23. How fun to sit out and enjoy your dinner. Cute mailbox.

  24. I don't know about you, but every time I clean up my work room, it quickly becomes just as disheveled as before! Sometimes I don't even bother.

    Cute mailbox - haven't seen one like that before, just tractors.


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean