Thursday, May 13, 2010

Not finished yet....

My Teabag Rose Bouquets.

I've been playing with my teabag roses lately.
(tutorial on sidebar)

My friend Dawn, at The Feathered Nest,
saw them and said how cute they would be in a baby shoe.
(If you have never been over to Dawn's blog you should go visit.
She always has lots of lovelies to share.)

Well you k now I loved that idea and could not wait to try it.

So ......

I made up some more bouquets.....

and tucked them....

into the only baby shoe I had at home.

It is my husbands, from when he was a baby. (DUH.)
He sure was not wearing them yesterday!!. =)

So, for now they are just sitting there, unfinished.
I do not want to glue things onto it.
The shoes are precious just the way they are.

So look out little shoes at the shop.
Here I come, and I'll have some done to show all of you soon.

Boy, do I have enough shoes to do nests, pin cushions, and, mini bouquets?
We'll see.

Blessings and thanks for doming by.

barbara jean

Here are some great places to visit on Fridays.


  1. Stopping by from Friday Follow to say Hi!

    Please stop by and see my review on Molly's Money Making Digest:

    And enter my giveaway for Peter Rabbit Children's Products:

  2. I knew they'd look so good together!! They're both tiny and are so precious ~ I can't wait to see more dear friend! Wishing you a wonderful weekend, hugs and love, Dawn

  3. What a sweet use of a baby shoe. Now tell me what to do with mine that my mom had bronzed!

  4. The tea bag roses look wonderful in the baby shoe, and I love Dawn's blog, great idea Dawn...

    I am sure the others you do will look gorgeous too...

  5. That's a great combination! So sweet together. Thanks so much for linking up to Finished for Friday and have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Hi, following from Follow Me Friday at Trendy Treehouse!!

  7. Oh my goodness, I feel like I have been away from your blog forever..look at all you have done. Everything is beautiful, and I am still not done reading and looking. Your MIA friend, Mary

  8. Barbara Jean - these are beautiful! You and Dawn are a real team - both of you are so talented and crafty. I love to see all the creations that you make!


  9. Hi Barbara - stopping by to comment about your garage sailing comment over at Between Naps on the Porch -

    Spent almost 2 hours with a group of old timers at the one-and-only yard sale I went to today. Had fun and didn't need to go to any others!

    See ya Sat.

  10. I love your baby shoe creations! The roses are wonderful!

    Thanks so much for planting your creative seeds at Plant a Punkin Seed Party! Come back again on Friday!

    Punkin Seed Productions

  11. Those are so pretty! Thanks so much for sharing this on Favorite Things Friday!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean