Friday, June 4, 2010

A Game, Just For Fun

Like word games?

I'm down with the flu, so do not really
feel like doing much.
Had this idea the other day,
so we'll play now.
Join in if you like.
Just for fun.

Take the various letters pictured in this post....

and see how many words you can make out of them.

You can leave a comment anytime about the number
of words you got.
(just the number, not the words themselves)

I'll be working on it too,
and in a few days we'll compare numbers and words.

hmmm. Proper names count?
or not?

Free Signature Generator
Free Signature Generator


  1. ohhh, I not very good at this sort of thing,,,it fuddles my murky mind.

  2. What, no E?? Lol, that makes it so much more difficult, but I will have a go over the weekend.

  3. Lots & lots I have ... lmk when you need to know ...

    Hope you are feeling better by now, Barb.

    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  4. 28 thus far

    Have a beau-TEA-ful week.
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  5. I've come up with 45 so far. This was fun!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean