Thursday, August 12, 2010

New Friday Finds and a Tip For You

A tip for you.
You know those old photo albums where you peel
back the plastic sheet and insert your photos?
The ones we found out were not good for our precious treasured memories?
Here is a tip no how to make use of them:
Take the plastic off, cut the pages out.

They make great backings for your crafts.
Like these "Friends" Tags.

Some "new" old books.

A set of 12 of these.

They are from the early 1900's.
I'm researching them to see if they have any value,
other than that they are so beautiful!

Still have had no time to craft!
Family, friends, come first!


barbara jean

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea for those old photo sticky to recycle!!! Please send me your email and I will send you pics of the flowers I made, can't find any other way to contact you....I am so computer challanged....cleo


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean