Tuesday, August 17, 2010

OOOOPS! It's Tuesday!

Nothing like making time go faster than it already is.
Did you notice I had my white Wednesday post up today?
I could not figure out why Kathleen at
Faded Charm did not have her post up yet.
maybe cause....
It is only TUESDAY!!

That's OK.
I also thought I was turning 63 in September
I'm only turning 62!
And I thought in December it was going to be our 43rd anniversary.
Nope. Only our 42nd.
So, if anyone else is confused about anything,
that should make you feel much better. =)

blessings on your day. (Tuesday!)

barbara jean


  1. Hi Barb,
    I've done the same thing! I'm glad someone else has too!!! Often, I've turned to my husband and asked, "How old am I?" I always think I'm older...lol

    I just sent you an email (I didn't see your post from yesterday until a few minutes ago about your dad.)
    I am praying that all goes well. Please let me know if the email got there.

    Blessings & hugs,

  2. Oh Barbara Jean, don't feel so bad, happens to me all the time! Yes, it happens!!

    Go feel better and have a great Tuesday!!

    Nancy's Notes

  3. Been There, Done That.... A few months back I did the same thing for Vintage Black Friday, I posted Late on Wednesday night, instead of Thursday.... Then the age thing, I thought I was the Only Woman who said they were Older than they were. I was saying I was 54, when in fact I am only 53, then I said well, I am almost 54 ~ My Daughter said, Mom, Not till October ~ This was in February ~ so I guess I was pushing time a bit too..... Happy to hear, I am Not the Only one.

  4. Barbara Jean, I am so glad to hear someone else does this (and not just the men in our lives lol) We are getting ready to celebrate or 39th anniversary and were planning a cruise to celebrate our 40th... oh well next year. Debbei

  5. For several years, I just kept forgetting my age. I never could keep it straight.

    And I keep thinking it's Wednesday too. Even gave the baby a bath for church tonite...that isn't.

  6. You are not alone my dear. I thought today was Wednesday, even got the trash set out! LOL!

    I think we are on overload!


  7. So funny! I am glad to know I am not the only one confused....You are doing fine, at least you have a post all done!!

  8. Barb that is so funny. My children had me believing I was 57 when I was 54. I never questioned them so for two years now I have believed I was 57 and I am only 56. LOL


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean