Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bragfest Tuesday

I see my friend Jan
Bobbypins Boardwalk

has featured my nests on her blog,
so here is a bit more about me and my art.

Thought maybe if you were new here you might like
to know something about the artist
who creates for her store, and this blog.
That's me! =0))

I love to find treasures to create my art.
All my nests are made from flora I find on my morning walks,
and a few other fun finds to add to them.
I make my own bird nests, and am always looking for new
and unique homes for them
You know those birds will build a nest about anywhere,


Old Light fixtures.....
(This is one of those old fixtures that hung upside down.
Makes a beautiful home)

simple little silver coasters, painted black.

jewelry box
(my sweet Granddaughter Isabel)
(sold. box not granddaughter) =)
(Please click on any pictures to enlarge them)

Red Lantern
(For Christmas?? add greenery around it)
(and I have a bird for it now!)

this was a plain little box...

now a bird nest home.
another sweet little box.

framed piece in beautiful blue

flower nest on glove
I make these little nests all the time.
This one has "Love, Joy, Hope, and Blessings" on the petals.

(flower nest tutorial on side bar)
(both sold)

This is a tiny cloche on a glass base.
Only4" high.
And nest is less than 2".
(This one is sold, but I have 'fixin's for 3 more)

How about a collage in pretty blue frame?
More fixin's avaiblable

spoon easels with nests on them. Fun!!
(I make the tiny eggs out of dough art)
(One blue spoon nest left- not pictured)

Here is a simple idea.

Tiny, Vintage Coin Purse. (new)
This little purse is only about 3" across.
I'm braggin' on my students who
made some cute nests in a class I taught.
It was our first nest class at the store.
There will be more!
Old Trowel. (sorry for sideways pic)
and a partly burned out candle.
Talk about creative!!

A little framed nest, and

nest in a baby shoe.

And these last 3 are my all time favorites!!!

I LOVE this one!

I really had fun with these two and hope to do more.

The fun part is, that even though you are using the same
elements in a lot of these, they are all uniquely different!

And here is an old coffee grinder with no drawer.
A perfect place for a duplex!

There are tutorials on my side bar for
some of the nests and other treasures I make.
The ideas for homes are endless.

Please show me if you make any,
so I can brag about you too! =)

I want to thank Jan for featuring my nests,
and for hosting the bragfest each week!!
Please go visit and see all the other creative treasures.
Bobbypins Boardwalk


barbara jean

Go HERE to visit my store.


  1. Isabel is so sweet! I would have a really hard time picking a favorite. These are just fabulous. You have a gift for making nests. I love the boxes, cloche, spoons and especially the coffee grinder! Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing and congrats on your feature.

    Vicki at Rusty Rooster Vintage

  2. Your creations are beautiful, just beautiful. You are a very talented artist.



  3. I always love your bird's nests Barb. I gave Mom her Bird's Nest Spoon easel yesterday and she loved it. It was even more special when I told her you made it for her! She had a very happy 83rd birthday!
    Blessings for you my friend, xo, Karen

  4. Barbara Jean - you are still creating such works of beauty - everything you touch turns into an amazing piece of art. This is why I admire you so much - you dont even have to think about it - you just have the touch!


  5. Although difficult to choose, I think that your favorite is my favorite also. It's beautiful!

  6. You really have any eye for unique nesting spaces. They are all so charming. I really like the first one.

  7. OH I LOVE these! Every one DOES have it's own personality! My favorite is the whimsical little coin purse! Thanks so much for sharing...I am inspired! Congrats on your feature, too!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean