Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy Rednesday and Outdoor Wednesday

How about some Christmas, and everyday reds.
A cute little red wood chair, some enamel lids with red edges,
a Jelly Belly machine, and a really cool watering can with
old branches in it.

This is apicture of two crosses outside my shop.
On the left, one from my brother, made with a pick axe for the cross piece
and a steel bar for the upright piece..
The one on the right is a simple cross my sweet fella
made out of weathered fence boards.
A weathered wood manger to come.

Blessings and happy Wednesday!

barbara jean

I'm joining in with these special bloggers today.



  1. Good Morning Barbara Jean,
    Love your red Christmas decor. Nothing says Christmas more than red!


  2. Love your vignette of reds! The crosses are very cool!

  3. Your shelf has a perfect bit of whimpsey for the Christmas setting. I adore the crosses and cant wait to see the manger.
    Happy Rednesday

  4. I love your red vignette, the gumball machine is too cute!

  5. Love the mixture of red treasures!
    Hope you are feeling better. Cool crosses.
    deb :)

  6. Hello,

    I recently compiled a list of the Top 50 DIY Blogs, and I just
    wanted to let you know that you made the list! We are promoting the
    list to college students looking for ideas for gifts on a budget. The
    list is published online at http://www.onlinedegrees.org/top-50-diy-blogs/.

    Thanks so much, and if you think your audience would find useful
    information in the list or on the site, please feel free to share the
    link. You can also use the button we've created for the
    The blog is just starting up, so we always appreciate a link
    back as we're trying to increase readership.

    Thanks again, and have a great day!


  7. Lovely photos. The crosses are so stunning. Happy Outdoor Wednesday.

  8. Maria,
    I would like to see your blog, but it is by invitation only.

    Can you set it up so we can visit?
    Would like to show others.


    barbara jean

  9. Love the red vignette. Interesting crosses.

  10. I Love Red! I've never had a kitchen decorated in red - until recently. I've been adding red chili peppers and everything I see that I want to decorate the kitchen with is red! I love your red grouping! And...I'm your new follower. I'd love to have you visit and follow me, too. Happy Holidays!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean