Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fun Finds Friday

Time for "Fun Finds Friday"!
Flea Market find, this great old pocket watch.
I guess you know by now of my love (addiction to?) old watches.

And how fun is this?
A child's harmonica.
Ever so rusticly perfect. =)
(well, to look at not to play.)

Tarnished house numbers

And I have fallen in love with old flower paintings
and prints lately.

I especially love this one.
Such beautifully soft colors.
And a little something to save for next time.
Have a great weekend.

barbara jean


  1. Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! Love the treasures. I am always looking for flower prints! SO pretty and romantic!
    Blessings to you and happy Pink Saturday also! Anne

  2. Love your treasures...especially the pocket watch...Happy Mom's Day! tiff

  3. Happy Mother's Day Barb! Hope you are a having a relaxing, fun day.
    xo, Karen


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I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean