Wednesday, June 1, 2011

This and That

Love old photos.....
This top one was actually a newspaper photo
of one of the Roosevelt's, and it was glued to the back
of the photo below. A bonus.
Love filling in cubbies....

decorating desks....
and framing art.

This music booklet is actually just sitting in this frame.
Don't you think it is perfect for it??
Should I take it apart and frame the cover?

Have a super day

barbara jean


  1. I adore old photos!! I love how you have displayed these!!!

  2. I love your decorations in your cubbies!

  3. You are right, the sheet music cover looks great in that frame. Go ahead, do it, frame it!

  4. Yes, I believe it NEEDS to be in that frame.

  5. Dear Barbara Jean~ I've got a favor to ask...I would like to invite you over for a visit to see a very special post I've written. I would love it if you could take a few moments to stop by.
    Thank you sweet friend,

  6. great decor!
    lovely your photos!
    happy weekend,

  7. There must be a connection between the two old photos for them to be together. When you see those faces, you wonder who they were, where they were from, what was their life like? That music boo cover does look great in the frame. You could keep it there and just roll and tie up the music pages and display them on their own. Have a happy day. Tammy


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean