Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cleaning House, Well, Watches at Least

Thought I'd better change that title to cleaning watches out.
Did not want my sweet fella to see it and think I might be cleaning house!
Fat Chance!

Anyway, I have baggies of watch parts around here
and I will probably never get them all used.

Watches, bands, innerds, outards.....
you get the picture.
So in the next few days I'm going to be listing them here,
and on my store blog.

I'm just gonna make a pile for x amount
and it's yours!

You just must promise NOT to show me all the cute
things you make with them
and make me feel bad I got rid of them. OK? =)

If you have any thoughts on how you would like them bundled,
let me know.
All one kind together, a pile all mixed up....

See you soon!


  1. Don't get crazy now, there is always time to clean tomorrow.
    I love your time pieces, I would love to have one or two oh what the heck I would love them all. Seriously I am interested in some when you decide to sell.
    Thanks for sharing, Kathy

  2. oh man - can i lay dibs on the 'pocket ben' watch ? that would make a great addition to a journal cover ! i'm going to have to come shopping - so many wonderful treasures. and that chandelier is dreamy ! hugs -

  3. Thanks for checking out my blog! I love your vintage watches! I have a little collection myself from my grandparents. It's hard to get rid of things but at the same time, cleansing, isn't it?


  4. oooooh I love watch parts. What is the link to your store? I would love to get my hands on all those wonderful parts..


  5. You crack me up! I'm the same way. I've gotten rid of stuff but then say "DON'T SHOW ME HOW WONDERFUL MY OLD FIND LOOKS IN YOUR HOUSE BECAUSE I MAY WANT IT BACK!"

    We use to say Indian Giver as a kid. Now I know that is NOT politically correct (or even nice!).

    Love you girly. You are amazingly gifted by the Most High. Betcha that mind of yours NEVAHHHH stops spinning! Mine doesn't either.

    Yep...we're friends!


  6. Hello I am very interested in any watch/clock pieces you are selling,
    please keep me informed
    thanks D

  7. Note to Dayna,
    Let me know how to get hold of you for watches and parts.



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Barbara Jean