Tuesday, August 9, 2011

White Wicker, and Sweet Lace Bags

Got this white wicker bench last week.
The arm is all torn up.....

and there is a hole in the seat.....

but I had this quilt that was not being used,
and the sweet little matching pillow.
Pretty cute on the patio this way.
I've been working on these little lace bags.
(tutorial at Gathering Dust. Thanks Beth!)
The only thing I did different was glue the lace,
instead of sewing it. Much faster for me. =)
These two middle ones do not have the trim yet.
The bottom one is done...

and sold.

Happy White Wednesday everyone.
Thanks for hosting Kathleen!!
barbara jean
White Wednesday


  1. I love that wicker seater. I have a wicker chair that is tore up because of the boys so it has a nice Indian scarf over it to hide the missing pieces. Your lace bags turned out beautifully. I would glue too since sewing is not my thing. :) Have a great day. Tammy

  2. These are so charming! Thanks for sharing the tutorial link!

  3. Those bags are so cute...I have some that I've been wanting to embellish...maybe now I'll get going on them...oh, and I'm with you...why sew if glue (or duct tape) will do!


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Barbara Jean