Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cute Frame with Tea Bag Roses

Look what I ofund!!
One of my blogger firends did up some tea bag roses
(free tutorials on sidebar)
and added them to this adorable frame.
(I love how some of, what looks like corrugated 
cardboard shows through).
This was made by Gaya. Her blog is:

Thanks for sharing Gala.
You did a terrific job!!!
Gaya does other wonderful art
so hope you will go check out her blog.

Blessings everyone

barbara jean


  1. How very sweet! Thanks for sharing! C'mon on over when you have a sec, I'm having another giveaway. =)


  2. These are amazing! Thank you for the tutorial! I can't wait to try these! Lovely!

  3. I love this frame! And I love the roses! But I can't find her blog. Can you give a link?


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Barbara Jean