Monday, April 16, 2012

Vintage Treasures

Isn't this a cool old bird bath???
Perfectly aged concrete.
Love this unique Pewter salt shaker.
Need to check it out to see if it is worth anything.

Those are my vintage finds today.

I'm joining Knick of Time and
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday.

blessings all
barbara jean

Knick of Time Tuesday 


  1. Barbra Jean, I love the look of that bird bath! I could almost see it used in a vignette inside the house as well as outside!

  2. Hi Barbara Jean, your bird bath is awesome. Great find.

  3. Ooh, fun stuff Barb. Love that wonderful old bird bath and the pewter shaker has such a nice shape.


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean