Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sewing Machine

OK, so I showed you this a couple of days ago.
I bought this sewing machine from a  lady who could not get it open.
(hoping  I would be able to).
I posted it on here and asked if anyone knew how to open it.
Tah dah!!
My new blogger friend at Lady Locust
told me how and it worked!
Isn't it beautiful??
OK now, does anyone know what the 'crank' thing does??
This machine is in great shape, by no foot peddle to run it.
It may be another one we take apart.=)
Look at this beautiful end piece.

Blessings all

barbara jean


  1. Wow what a great find. I know nothing about helping you though but I am sure someone out here can figure it out.
    It looks like it was well taken care of.
    Hope all is well with you

  2. That little black bar thing hangs off the side of the table and you use the side of your knee to push it sideways to make it run. Grandma had one.
    Cool machine and glad you go it opened.

  3. BJ~
    the little crank thing is where the thread is threaded through! it feeds the thread from the spool to the needle.
    thanks Loui♥

  4. Barbara Jean ~ that is a wonderful old sewing machine! I just love those old Singers!

  5. I think the crank thing sticking out in front is your "pedal" to make it run. It sure is a beauty!

  6. Hi,

    The "crank" is a knee peddle for running the machine instead of a foot peddle. It would hang over the top of your table and you press it with your knee to run the machine.


  7. I believe you use your leg/knee. That bar probably can be turned so that it points downward and you would push your right knee against it to make it run. I think...

  8. Barb, that crank thing generally is swung down by your thigh and you push it to get the sewing machine sewing, at least that is how the one I learned how does it
    take care


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Barbara Jean