Monday, July 23, 2012

Game Pieces and Creative Fun

 New games and creative display at the store.
 see those burgundy colored scrabble tiles?? 
 lots of fun numbers in this game.
 Those are Reno Keno cards in background. 
They are fun when cut up for tags.
I think everyone should have an old Rook game around.
The crow on the cards is so fun. =)
 scrabble tiles...motel keys......
 dominoes, flash cards, words, numbers,
buckles, typewriter parts....all kinds of fun.
and more words and letters.
Now, just to find time to play!!!  =)

barbara jean.

joining Knick of Time Tuesday
Thanks for hosting Angie.


  1. Wow - those are some wonderful game parts and you've arranged them all wonderfully!

    Thanks for sharing at Knick of Time Tuesday, Barbara Jean.


  2. I just love bits and pieces of old games. The graphics are so much fun and they look so nice displayed in groups just the way you've done.

  3. Cards for tags. That's a great idea. Quite a few treasures there. Love the burgundy scrabble tiles. A few of my old set got stained burgundy when the burgundy box got wet - but they weren't solidly stained, just stained!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean