Wednesday, October 24, 2012

J/J's Antiques Ranch Shop

 Taking you on a  quick tour of a new place we visited Tuesday.
My sweet fella has been carting me all around
since I hurt my neck and back and cannot pick things up yet.
Shopping is really not his thing,
so this is really sacrificial love for him.

This place is in Scio, a bit over an hour from our place in Eugene.
This is the cute 'gate' where you pull in.

 This was the ceiling in the 2nd room we went in to.
This room had games, books, and old toys...
 This was an adorable little garden area out back. little 3 walled covered area,
sweet little patio table and chairs... Pictures do not do it justice at all.

My sweet fella checking things out for me.

 cute cart I thought about getting.
somehow did not end up with it.
Our shop is so full right now, I do not know where I would put it anyway.
 more stuff.
I cannot even begin to tell you how much stuff this pace has.
Several outbuildings, a barn..
all crammed to the brim with 30 years of treasures....
Well displayed by the daughters of the owner.
It is a real family affair.
 lots of garden things....wonderful ideas..
rust too!!!!  =)
 The Barn....full and upstairs too.
They built this several years ago as all the buildings were full.
My eperience is, you fill whatever space you have,
 and they did.  =)
 more cuteness and outdoor treasures.
 This is the 'bathroom'.
Yes, an outhouse. A real outhouse!
Had not used one of these for years.....
but since we were there 3 1/2 hours I did get to see inside this one. =)
 one of the went on and on and on.
There were doors everywhere, one room lead to another..
and isle after isle of treasures.
 see all those buildings??? full!!!
This is another little garden section.
OK, now the details so you can go visit if you are in Oregon:

J/J's Antiques Ranch Shop

Address: 39800 Cole School Road Southeast, Scio, OR 97374
Phone: (503) 394-2209
open Monday-Saturday

I will recommend that you wear a coat, hat, and gloves...
and comfortable old shoes, or boots and be prepared to dig!
And allow yourselves itme to see it all.
We were leisure about our looking...and there about 3 1/2 hours.
That did include a lovely chat with the owner Joyce, and her daughter Peggy.

blessings all and thanks for joining me on my tour.


  1. Looks like an interesting place! I liked your comment about filling the space you have available - that's so true! Now I'm trying to get rid of stuff & amazed at how much there is here!

  2. What a great place to shop. Wish I was closer. Thanks for sharing, Barbara Jean.

  3. Now that looks like a fun place to do some serious shopping! Too bad it's so far from Oklahoma ;/

  4. Hi Barbara Jean...I've purchased many a goodie at this place. Glad to know that she is still open, I hope to get up to Oregon next March, I plan to make a trip here, I'll be staying in Stayton, I also want to make a trip down to your shop...I'll get the address before I go!!

  5. What a treasure haven! Wow, I would love to spend a day or two there! I will have to check a map and see where that is....I could make a trip to see you as well!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean