Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Blissful Whites Christmas Display

 Getting set up for our Simply Shabby Christmas at the shop next week.
(Nov. 14-16)
Here are some bits and pieces of what we have done so far.

always try to have a sled and ice-skates for decor.
Of course they sell fast.....
found a 'spare' sled today at thrift store,
wo we will ahve two at least. =)

Mantle, a bit different each year.
Someone already wants the cathedral mirror....
Did not even make it to the sale.
close up of our tree, with my 
lace flowers on it. 

have a super week everyone.

Lovin' those whites, and grateful for our hostess at Blissful Whites Wednesday.

PS My "Spring" Tree from last week has gone over great.
Sold the first ones, and now orders.
Lot of work, but love the whole simpleness of it.=)


  1. Oh be still my heart! These photos are just gorgeous! Wish I lived close, I would be going crazy there!!! I adore your mantel and can see why the mirror already sold!!!!!

  2. Love how you dressed up the mantle! And that spring tree is amazing! I'll bet you're inundated with orders. =)


  3. Very pretty displays for your shop, I love ice skates as Christmas décor.
    Thanks for sharing. ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

  4. Hallo Barbara
    Als ik naar de beelden kijk krijg ik ook al het kerst gevoel
    Je winkel ziet er heel gezellig uit
    Groetjes Corry

  5. Hallo Barbara
    Mooie foto's heb je gemaakt alles al in de kerst sfeer
    Ziet er heel gezellig uit
    Groetjes Corry

  6. Is it that time already? It comes faster evey year. Beautiful sled and those mirrors mke my heart flutter. It's all so pretty.

  7. Everything looks beautiful! And oh, that tree with the springs is AMAZING!! :)

  8. love the mantle, barb! the skates, sleigh and spring tree--too cute! happy thanksgiving!!


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Barbara Jean