Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Clocks, and Radios, and Other Things I Love

that I can never seem to resist buying.

This wonderful old clock even works.
has key and all.
Isn't it beautiful?
 love the face......
and on some, the crustier and older the better. 
No one seems to care if they work or not. 
just love to display them. like me. =)
On the left in this pic is not a clock,
 but an old sports timer.And it works! a loud buzzer though.

I love how you can just add a clock to any old display and it makes it special.

 Now to old radios, another fave.

Love this will all the buttons on each side.
 again, does not seem to matter to most if they work or not...
They just love the old look of them.
I think this one is much more than a radio.
Click on teh pic to make it bigger,
then see if you can tell me what it is?

Here is one more old radio and I'll be done for today.
Love the rounded edges on this one....
It is an old battery operated Farm radio...
This one can easliy be made to work again

someone elses project though, not mine.=)


I guess I said "other things I love" too, but will save those for another day.

Thanks for visiting.
 be blessed


  1. Love the clock with day of the week and day on it! Is the one with all the buttons some type of short wave radio? or something used in aviation?

  2. I love old clocks, too! They are just so fun, and I even love new clocks. I just love clocks.
    I also love the old radios. You know my dad had 2 stores and sold tvs and stereos and worked on all of them! I love the open back with the tubes! Takes me back to the repair part of the store. I used to help dad and sat on a stool right beside him, and he taught me a few things, too.
    Great post, hope you are warm and cozy and have a fun weekend!

  3. I need to follow you around to find goodies like these. I love old clocks, working or not. The radios are gorgeous and someone will appreciate them and maybe even get them to work again.

  4. I love to collect clocks, too! You've got a great variety!


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Barbara Jean