Thursday, April 9, 2009

ABC's of the store "B"

B is for baby clothes
Bird Bath
This is a vintage wrought (or is it rod?) bird bath.
It has a piece attached that goes a bit into the ground for stability.
(although i don't think this is going anywhere it is so heavy).
The top I added is just the base or a terracotta pot.
You could put a plant on it or even use it for a table base.

Bird nests (of course!) =0)
These are on spoon easels.
( I got the idea from Laurie's Charming Designs)

OK, I see now, I should have started with 'Z' and gone backwards. Oh well. No do overs!

Barbara Jean


  1. Fun photos! Love the cute!
    Have a Happy Easter!

  2. I love the ABC's.......great idea. I'm coming to get that birdbath! Don't let it move!
    Have a Blessed Good Friday and Happy resurrection Sunday!
    ((hugs)) Carolyne

  3. Great idea, can't wait to see what's next. I just love the birdbath.
    Happy Easter to you and your family:)

  4. Barb, I'm lovin' all the goodies! The spoon nests, the aprons and the buckles. That stash of buckles is a REAL find!

    I have a bakelite one that an artisan glued a sculpted little flower in the center of the post and made a pin of it by gluing a pinback on it. Maybe an idea for you?



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Barbara Jean