Friday, April 10, 2009

More B's

More B's

A painting i did for myself, but changed decor before i put it up!
For sale now at the store.
This is an oldie but goody. My favorite thing!
My Mom crocheted the white ones (and doilies for the store).
I did the Scripture decoupage ones.

I forgot to take a pic of the best book in the shop!
It is a delightful tea book my daughter did the layouts for and her FIL published.
I'll find another category to put it under, soon. =0)
One must have something to put her nests in you know. =0))

"C's" coming soon, and other fun and exciting news!!!

Barbara Jean


  1. I adore that buggy. The bears bring back memories of the collection I had in my boys bedroom when they were little. I had the all the teddys lined up on a park bench. I'd loved it when I could hear my boys talking and playing with them. My boys would play school with the bears as the students. Thanks for bringing back a sweet memory to me.

    Sweet wishes,

  2. Cool! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter!

    Take Care - Robin

  3. Hi Barb !

    ...had to quickly say hi and wish you a joyous Easter Sunday before I get off this computer and stuff the turkey !

    Glad your fella is coming home tonight ....a week is a long time.

    I know, I would love to be able to blog more..... and when I get breaks in my schedule I do try to post more. Like I said in my bio...I don't know how I gave birth to three athletes LOL !


  4. whoops, forgot to say that I love your birdcage and that although I would love to take credit for the painting, I didn't paint it. It's my favourite artist whom I aspire to paint like .

    ....okay, I'm really getting off now !


  5. I love your B's!!!
    Happy Easter.


  6. Oh, Barb! Your bears are by my friend Teresa Kogut! She's as sweet as her bears!

  7. Diane, yes it is from one of Teresa Kogut's calendars form several years ago. I love her work too.
    Ohm, hope it is ok to sell it. I knew it was not a problem painting it for myself.

    Barbara Jean

    PS Sure do appreciate you popping by all the time when i know you are so busy. =0)

    OK off to meet the newspaper lady. Hope she isn't just trying to sell me an ad. =0/


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean