Monday, April 27, 2009

Second Time Around Tuesday

second time around tuesday
This is second time around Tuesday. Thanks to diane at
A Picture is Worth a Thousdand Words, for hosting this nice event.
Be sure to thank her and see the other wonderful posts.

This is a vintage doily, one of several i have picked up.
This is another lovely piece.
Some of these are nice enough to use just the way they are, but alas, some have huge holes, big stains, or other flaws that take away from their overall beauty.
Leave a little slot for putting the lavender in, sew closed, add a ribbon to hang, and there you go.
A cute little sachet out of something old and worn.

So even the smallest bit of someones beautiful stitching can be preserved and enjoyed by someone new.

Blessings on your day.

Barbara Jean


  1. Hi Barbara Jean,
    Thanks so much for linking to 2nd Time Around and for sharing your cute little creations!

    You are very talented. Next time I see something like this, I'm not going to let a stain or tiny hole keep me from buying!
    :) Diane

  2. That is stunning! What a great re-purposing you have created!

  3. Good morning Barbara Jean, I can never comment on your posts without thinking of my cousin in New Mexico whose name is also Barbara Jean. I do love your vintage embroidered pieces. A great way to use them the 2nd time around. Stains can go away with a good long soaking in Oxi Clean.
    BIG smile.


  4. I love these pretties. You are very talented....

  5. Mornin' Barb...

    Girl, I always get so excited when I come to your house!!! I'm tellin' have the best ideas and some of the prettiest things!!! Oooh...I love these pretty little sachets! What a grand idea (hmmm...seems like I am always saying that over here at your place...hehe!)!!! There are just so many pretty embroidered pieces that "have seen there better days"...but still too pretty to just discard, this utilizes them so beautifully!!! I would have never thought of this! Girl, where do you come up with all of these great ideas? Your a genius!!!

    My favorite sachet is the little heart shaped one...and I just love the photo of it with the pretty pink pitcher...beautiful!!! That photo looks like it came right off of a magazine page!!! It's lovely!!!

    Well my friend, thank you so much...once again...for sharing a terrific idea! I'm always so inspired when I come here!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  6. Barbara Jean! I love these sweet creations! It's great to preserve the stitching like that. Fabulous!

  7. These are sooo pretty! I love sachets and hang them all about as well as put them in my sock drawer :0)

  8. So creative. I'll bet your home smells heavenly. Happy 2 x Tuesday.

  9. great idea.i collect them too.and as you say,alot are stained.some with just one stain.and i use the forbidden clorox.DON'T PANIC.i wad it up and only use the clorox on the stain itself.and then rinse,rinse,rinse so far,so good...ann

  10. Hi Barbara Jean,
    Love what you did! They are so pretty. Thanks for sharing your talent and treasures.

  11. What wonderful vintage linens. It is so fascinating to look at the wonderful needlework that someone has done. Such love given to some of the most simple items. Your finds are precious treasures. Hugs, Marty

  12. You have a wonderful blog. I scroled down and had to stop and drool over all the nests. I love them. Your sachets are fabulous.

    Prayers are going out to the family at your church as well.

    Laura @ the mansion

  13. Barbara Jean,
    Oh yes, they can be turned into beautiful things to use or display again...You did a beutiful work in redoing these...I love old napkins and dollies!


  14. Barb, just catching up! Wow! You've been busy again! I love all the little sachets and the paper flower nests and the spoon on the music. You've done such a beautiful job! I hope you're selling tons of these in your shop! Isn't it fun!
    I can't imagine not having crafts to make.

  15. Wow,
    I love these!
    I have quite a stash of vintage embroidered linens myself . One of these days I need to start cutting them and using them this way. Especially the pieces that have tears. I have a friend who cuts hankies and makes cones like this.
    Beautiful Alice!!

  16. Beautiful! I love the old embroidered hankies!

  17. What a wonderful idea! I have several embroidered pieces...I snipped the needlework from pillow cases my Mom had made when the cases were completely ragged and threadbare. I've saved the pretty patches for years...wondering what I'd ever do with them. Now I know! Thank you for sharing.
    Blessings & Hugs,


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean