Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Vintage Thingie Thursday

Hey. It's Vintage Thingie Thursday! Go visit
to see all the wonderful vintage treasures others have too.
Thanks for hosting Susanne!! Great job and much appreciated. ;0)


These are tea cozies, hand-made by one of my friends.
They are made of vintage fabrics.
This green one is a vintage hanky.

These last three are made of hand-embroidered vintage pillow cases.
I love the blue piping she put around the top of this one.
And how about the crocheted border on this one?

Aren't they gorgeous?
Each is lined to keep your tea just right.
She does a great job of putting them together,
and they would make wonderful Mother's Day gifts.

These are all for big tea pots, but she also makes them for small and medium.
Priced from only $10-20, plus shipping, and available here or at the store.

thanks for checking in, and have a great Thursday.

Barbara Jean


  1. Oh really cute! I love tea cozys. It's so neat how she uses vintage things to make hers.

    All the best,

  2. Hi Barb...

    What beautiful tea cozies!!! I especially like the first one that is made with the vintage pretty!!! Just stopping by to see more of your pretties!!! I love coming to your place...hehe!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  3. They're beautiful! Feminine, charming and just perfect for having tea with friends!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean