Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Hoarderific Sale

Still looking for that special something for the yard, deck
or home.
We found where it has been hiding.
My sister is in recovery now but
needs to sell some of this stuff she has been hording.
I am not sure if having a garage sale is good
for a garage sale-a-holic, but it can't hurt to get
rid of some of this stuff.
Honestly she is quite normal, but
would like to sell some of these treasures.

90034 Prairie Rd. Aug. 26th -
28th, 9 to 6 pm.

My brother wrote this.

It is so cute, and I'm afraid the hoarder part may be a little true.
But hey! I'm having the sale aren't I?

Blessings to all Barbara Jean


  1. Will you come and pick me up, BJ? ;-)
    Hugs! Diane

  2. Barbara Jean ~

    WOWW ! would LOVE to come
    to your sale ~
    It looks like so much fun ~


  3. Hi Barbara Jean,

    WOWZA! If I lived close by, I would sure come. There are so many treasures there.

    big hugs,

  4. Hi Barbara Jean!
    Lots of womderful treasures at your yard sale! Wish I could come :)

  5. Lots of wonderful eyecandy there! Oh how I would love to come to your sale!!! Blessings~~~ Daphne

  6. Hi Barb,
    I am so glad that your dad is out of the hospital...I sure hope he's feeling better. What an amazing sale...If I lived close, I'd be there!
    Sendings hugs,
    P.S. Those crocheted gloves are gorgeous too!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean