Wednesday, March 23, 2011

boxes, buttons, carriers, and cuteness

Mystery box.

Another box of rusty goodies
Great patina on that handle.
Old door locks, handles, and hinges galore.
Soon to be in the store.
Packaged up cute for you,
for a project you have yet to do. =)

Remember this?

It is a pin cushion made with a candle holder.
It is hollow inside so I put in a few buttons.
(sorry, hard to see against the lace. Click to enlarge)
Here is another one.

Well I found two more candle holders,
and one is even pink!!Let me know if you would like a pin cushion
made from one of these.

Here is another find.
A pie carrier.

Make that a two pie carrier.

oooh. A two pie and cake carrier!!

Too rusty inside for pastries,
but maybe fun as a craft holder, or ?

mystery box.
No big deal. Just some used shoe shine stuff.
But, box cool anyway, and will be filled with other goodies.

Thanks for coming by

blessings on your day
barbara jean


  1. Hi Barbara Jean!
    I love all of your treasures. The box is fantastic. Love your pin cushions too.


  2. Love all the goodies!!! Can't get any better than old boxes full of stuff!!!!

  3. Hi, what cute pincushions, especially love the one with buttons inside.

  4. Hi Barb,
    I love your goodies! The pie and cake carrier is so cool! I love it. Putting buttons inside your pincushion is a great idea. How about pearls too? I love the pink one! You don't find those very often.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Hugs to you,

  5. I love all your goodies especially the old pie carrier! Very cool!

  6. Love the faded color on the box.....what fun treasures!!! hugs...cleo

  7. Great finds,Barb! I love your pincushions.

  8. Wow, could I use one of those old rusty hinges! Our fancy Victorian one on our dining room door just broke....150 years old is a lot of time to hold up a door, I guess. It got tired. :-) Love the pin cushions!


  9. Oh you lucky girl, you found two more hollow glass candlesticks! I love those candlestick pincushions.

  10. Hello Barbara,
    Love your pin cushions and the pie tin box is great! sandi


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean