Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Felted Nest Tut from Karen

My friend Karen, at
has put together a tutorial for this sweet little nest.

And she has the sweetest little birdie she made.

Maybe if we say 'please' she will do a tutorial on it too.

She has a really sweet blog so I hope you will go visit.
Blessings on your day

barbara jean


  1. Hi Barbara Jean,
    thank you so much for posting about my tutorial on your blog - you are so kind and sweet!
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  2. How cute are these??? I would love a tutorial on them!!!!

  3. It's so funny you posted that. When I saw in my reader what her post was today, I decided not to read it -- yet. I wanted time to soak it all in if not actually work along with her tutorial. Can't wait to make one for myself!

  4. These are both so cute Barbara Jean! I stil love my nests you made for me :)

    Hope you are having a great week!

    Lou Cinda

  5. Thank you for sharing this link. I love what she makes. Happy Spring and Birds Who Sing...


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Barbara Jean