Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Outdoor Adventure

I went for a long drive in the country last weekend.
I was going to get an old wheelbarrow I saw in an ad.

Beautiful day.
Loved seeing all of nature on the way.

Beautiful flowers...

Ducks in a pond...
Such an enjoyable and peaceful time.

When I got to the long road out in the country where the wheelbarrow was,
I stopped to look at something, and much to my surprise,
they was a bear along side the road!
It was about 5' tall! Big brown bear up on it's hind legs!

I have never seen one so close.
It was about 6' from my car.

Well of course I had my camera with me. I take it with me everywhere I go.

I sat and debated for a minute. Did I dare get out of the car to take a closer look?
To get a great picture?

The bear did not seem to be at all alarmed,
or even caring I was there.

So I decided to do it.
To get out.
To risk it all to get this great shot.

I walked up within 4' of the bear.
I kind of came up by it's side.
and then it happened!

I got it!
The best shot ever of a close up of a bear!

Then I walked around right in front of him.
And here he is.
A bear holding a mailbox.Isn't he the cutest mailbox holder you have ever seen?

And that is my outdoor Wednesday adventure today.

Have any outdoor adventures of your own?

Want to read more outdoor adventures?
Get on over to Susan's @ a Southern Daydreamer
and see everyone elses great outdoor pics.

Thanks for coming by, and thanks Susan for hosting.

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  1. oh, that's an adorable bear mailbox holder! what a neat idea!

  2. You are so funny, I was reading your post and holding my breath when you said you got out of the car to take a picture of a bear, of course, you didn't say it was a LIVE bear....when i scrolled down and saw it, i waqs shaking my head and laughing.....great story, Barband yes, it was a neat mailbox holder....

  3. Love of the pics you captured. The bear holding the mailbox is adorable. Happy Outdoor Wed.

  4. Hysterical!!! I was thinkin' OH NO!! Judi

  5. You had me going! So cute! :o) Love your photos...

  6. Hahaha! You scared me for a minute. Nooo.....don't get out. LOL!

  7. Clever write ... got everyone's attention! didn't you! Chuckle. Love your pics.

    Have a great day.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  8. Too cute Barbara Jean! I cracked up when I finally saw the bear!

  9. I was actually thinking 'she's totally crazy!" So glad it was just a carved animal! ♥♫

  10. There is nothing like a wonderful little walk outside - does so much good for the soul. Loved the pictures! That bear looks pretty harmless!


  11. LOL,
    Cute! You got me too!
    I would have done it exactly the same way. We think alike!


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I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean