Tuesday, September 4, 2012

License Plate Fun

 I bought some license plates while on vacation.....
 almost all Colorado plates....all cool and perfectly rusty.
 There were 38 assorted ones......
and these hangers from the cars they were on.
 (above plate, where light bulb was hooked in).

Well, I've been trying to figure out what to do with them,
(except the 1915 one which is worth over $100!!! YAY!!
and a couple of others worth quite a bit too.)
and then I remembered this........
a project from Donna at 
She takes every day things and makes the cutest projects out of them.
I'm not sure I will use mine for toilet paper, 
have something else up my sleeve,
but I'll show you when it is done.

In the meantime, if you click on Donna's link,
it will take you straight to her projects pages..
and you can see all the fun ideas she has shared over time.

Thanks Donna!!!

blessings all,
barbara jean
I'm joining..


  1. Lucky you! You always manage to find the most amazing treasures. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Such cool license plates from my home state of Colorado! Today there are so many different types it is hard to realize there are from here! I guess most everyone has those specialized plates like Respect Life (after Columbine), The Broncos, The Rockies, etc. and the Breast Cancer plate. I like the vintage look of all these! Enjoy!
    We still play the license plate game and having just returned home to Colorado from Kansas visiting our youngest in college, my hubby and I saw lots of different states! It never gets boring out on the road!
    Have a terrific week!


  3. Oh my, lucky lucky you! $100?! That's awesome and your loot is the best!

    Can't wait to see what you come up with! And thanks so much for the mention. Who knew my toilet paper would become such a hot commodity? :D



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Barbara Jean