Tuesday, September 4, 2012

White Wednesday Rustic Fun

 Here are my fun White Wednesday treasures.
An old lumber yard apron....
Thought maybe fun with straw and a pumpkin in it.
(thinking Fall girls)
 This is a really cool folding mason's yardstick.
One side is regular inches..
 the other for spacing masonry. cool huh?
 Do you think this is  a razor?
It looks like it but I cannot figure out how blade was attached.
Very old.
 Just got this perfectly shabby, rusty, white cage.
click to see cool doors.
 This is a (sideways) Dentist Lab appointment calender
from 1960.
This is one of 38 license plates I bought in a big box.
They have the lights brackets to attach to your car too.
A great way to display them.
and this is just a little wire basket that had some kind
of pots with candles in them. I ditched the candles,
and will use the baskets for something else.
Any ideas???
 They are about 4x8" with 2 round rings where candles sat.

All for today.
Have been finding awesome treasures for the store...
just not any more white ones....

barbara jean
Be sure to go check out all the other wonderful whites at Kathleen's,
and thank her for hosting. =)
White Wednesday 
And don't miss next week.
I'll be posting .....


  1. Love all your goodies especially the folding yardstick and the license plates...you really scored there. It's hard to tell, but would a wine bottle fit in the rings of that very cool old basket? If not, maybe some rolled up hand towels?

  2. The bird cage is fantastic! What great finds!

  3. Cool stuff, the yardstick is really unusual, could find lots of usues for the wire backet!


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Barbara Jean