Yes, I found another drill bit box.
I'm just lovin' these for display of watches.
This one is about 6" tall.
See my newest old pocket watches?
I LOVE these!!!
And an old compass, too.
Compass & some watches sold, but have more old watches)

This box was big enough to actually hang a watch.
I used an old rusty dusty magnetic hook to hang it.

And how do you like this for a magnet?
It's just an old rusty hinge.
Love the shape.
You don't even have to glue the magnet on.
They just all stick together.
(I'm making some jewelry using these hinges too.
I have to do something, I got a whole cigar box of them!)

Just got a couple of new old typewriters too.

Seems suddenly I am attracted to them, and old sewing machines.
Thanks for coming by.
Still having computer problems, but learning to use my sweet fellas laptop.
barbara jean