Thursday, February 25, 2021

 Hello all.

I am trying to figure out how to load pics to my blog with my phone, which is where I take all my pics now. I think I have have figured out a fairly simple way with out downloading my whole 10,000 pics I have on there. yikes!

Update on the store:

Because of Covid, and my Mom's illness, we have been mostly closed for a few months now.

I am hoping, once I can quite crying some from my Mom's passing, I will be able to open again.

In the mean time, I am most grateful for those of you who have kept in touch via FB.

I will continue to post there, but try to share some here also.

blessings and safety to all.


1 comment:

Jennie Lynn Peña said...

Hello, I've been admiring your patina treated keys and it looks so good that I want to pain it. May I please? Thank you!