A couple of weeks ago I mentioned a friend who was getting
her blog ready to "officially" begin.
Well, she's done it. Two sweet posts up already,
including one with a quilt her son made her.
And this gal is an incredible quilter herself,
and she does wonderful collages!
I'm sure we will be seeing some of her work soon, too.
Please go over and welcome Karen, at
"She Uses Her Words".
Blessings everyone.
barbara jean
(for those of you who were concerned at my lack of posts lately,
I am still nursing this hurt back along.
Sitting hurts the worst! phooey!!)
Thanks for continued prayers.
Hi Barb, I haven't visited for awhile. I'm sure sorry to hear about you back troubles. I know a bit about that. I hope you can figure out what to do soon. You just gotta be able to sit and create.
come visit
big hugs
Hi Barbara Jean! Its been awhile since I popped in to say hi but I am finally getting back to my blog reading...Yay! Anyway, hope you are doing well and thanks for the direction to your friend's new blog...it's adorable. :)
Hi Barbara Jean Sweetie...
I am so sorry to hear you are having problems with your back. It can sure slow you down real fast.
I popped over and visited and signed up to follow Karen. She has a beautiful write today, she is off and running. I love her quilt from Donovan, how precious that is. She is going to be a fun one to follow.
Hope you get to feeling better really soon sweet friend. I will be sending up some prayers for you. Many hugs and so much love, Sherry
Hi Barbara Jean,
What kind of back trouble? I had SEVERE back pain last year that even morphine didn't help. I went on line and found some free excerises that cured my back pain in three days. I begand feeling an immediate difference with the first set of excercises I did. My pain was related to the siatica.
Ps: I'm off to visit Karen.
Hi Barb,
I'm going over to visit her! And I sure hope your back will be better soon...sending hugs and blessings your way,
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