An old friend, that has to go.
When we opened the store 3 years ago, I bought
this big, old heavy typewriter.
I was great space filler in the
1 roomwe opened the store with.

Now it has to go, as we need the display space, even though
we have opened
4 more rooms since we started!!
It is so funny to look back at how sparse our 1 room was
at the beginning. How on earth did I ever open a store?
I'll have to round up some pics to show you.

Here is what you find when you start cleaning and rearranging.
Bags of goodies! We'll peek in those later.

Here is one thing I found.
Anyone know what it is?

The bristles are very stiff, and that little black
part folds out. Brush too stiff for nails I think.

And what do you do with 2 drawers FULL of ribbon you never use?
100 yard spools! Some never even used at all.

And tons of those little spools, too.
Now I only use the oldish bias ribbon, cause it is so
soft and lovely!

Beautiful color....
(and some of the ribbon).

and love this dragonfly doorknocker.
Another find while cleaning.

So, more cleaning and sorting today.
Have you found any cool stuff while cleaning out at your place??
barbara jean