I hit the jackpot on locks awhile back.
But first. let's look at some other interesting hardware.

Like the thingies above. Not sure what they are for,
but the bend and you can make words out of them.

Some cool old hinges and a handle and back plate.
Here are the hinges.

Lots of them.


a whole slew of them.


red.... old and rusty, with keys, without.
Some VERY small. (that tiniest one is only 1/2"!!)

Some cool ones already attached to something.

And when I was at Mamie Jane's last week
I saw this. It is a holder of sorts.

(Click below to see more)
Mamie Jane's.
(One of my most favorite places to visit these days)
and she links to
Laurel's Chipping With Charm
(who also has great ideas!)
So, I could not find my big hinges, but did come up
with this little photo holder:

It is just an oddly bent hinge, one of two.

Perfect for a little photo.
Or, how about his little odd shaped tin.
(does this look like Texas upside down?)

Add magnet and photo. instant photo holder.
I know, silly, but you know I like different!!
What do you think??
OK. Now,go get those boxes of hardware out and start creating!!
Be sure to let me know if you come up with some clever idea!
Blessings everyone!
barbara jean