Pumpkins and Paper Crafting

The Thrifty Home
Penny Pitching Wednesday
Get your Craft On

Today's Creative Blog
Here are couple of tips on how i save money, and time.
First of all,
This year i decided instead of spending money on
a lot of pumpkins for the store decor,
I would buy mums instead.
I can get them cheaper than pumpkins,
and when the season is over they can be planted
and enjoyed for many years, instead of throwing them out.
Here are some paper crafting tips for you.
When i am doing a lot of things with music paper background,
i get a bunch ready all at once so i have them when i need them.
I wet it,
crumple it up,
tea stain it,
rub some brown ink or paint over it,
smooth it out
and let it dry.
Then i photocopy it onto plain paper.
(fun experimenting with dif. colored or
textured paper so see different results.)
Of course right now it is crows. =0)
Gather whatever you want on your page ,
and copy or print it off onto your music paper.
(I just feed mine through 1 sheet at a time.)
You can also just print something straight from
your computer without making a paper master.
(You'll have to come back to see the finished results.)
I am glad to share more info on how to do this. Just let me now.
Hope this helps with your crafting and saving!
barbara jean
PS I save even the smallest scraps to use other times.
Go HERE to see my White, Red, and Outdoor Wednesday.
Thanks for help with the paper crafting techniques. I was ready to wing it later this week.
Living it up at Lakewood,
That is pretty neat! I like the way it looks so far, and, are you going to frame it?? Hmmmmm. Love to see the finished results!
Hi BJ..
I too am thrifty in Not buying Pumpkins but Mums instead..
some neighbors just plant pumpkins in the flower beds..and when summer flowers are gone..pumpkins are ready for displaying..
personally..I prefer mums..
your shop photos look delightful..
enjoy your day..
♥snowy smiles..
I love the mums, especially the red ones. My whole front flower bed is full of them. What a great idea to replace pumpkins with them. That music paper looks really great, I can't wait to see the finished product.
Oh, Barb!
You are always SOO great with your pics, comments, and advice!
Sending some big hugs your way!
Betty :)
ps .. no real ones this year, but I bought two fake pumpkins on el cheapo sale the other day ... right now only paper mache and I'm liking the color ... but will redo for next year ... maybe!
I'm craving one of the VERY EXPENSIVE velvet pumpkins .... I should probably make one, but do I want one THAT BAD?? lol!
B :)
Hi cute Barbara Jean, this is exactly what I'm wanting to do. WHERE DO YOU GET THE SHEET MUSIC? Please stop by and tell me. I'm just dieing to do this.
Happy WW
Thank you for the paper technique tips!! I love the old paper look and am thinking of lining the back of a china cabinet that I need to paint with this!
Those mums are stunning!!
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