To my Sweet Blog followers.
Almost four years ago I started this blog as a way to record the journey of the little store I opened here in Eugene, Oregon.
This blog, was to be a place of sharing ideas, both mine, and others. A place to learn and be encouraged.
A place to come and enjoy some quiet rest and inspiration.
For almost 4 years you have come by. You have left me sweet notes. You have shared your hearts with me, and helped me figure all this blogger 'stuff' out. You have helped me with ideas for my store, decorating advice, and even help when I could not decide how to finish this project or that.
You have shared the love I have for nature, and all God's creation and beauty.
You have received my art and projects, and even tried some of my tutorials.
You have encouraged me, inspired me, befriended me, and loved me.
It is amazing to me how close you can become with people you have never even met, and what a blessing it has been to even meet some of you, and carry in my heart an even a deeper friendship.
Since our blog follow button is soon to come to an end, much to my, and I'm sure many others, disappointment, I wanted to take this opportunity, to say Thank you.
Thank you to the over 900 sweet ladies (and some gentlemen) who have been such a huge part of my life.
To those who started with me, and are still here. To all the milestones you have celebrated with me, both with the store, and in this fun blogland I am in so often.
Thank you, and many Blessings
Barbara Jean, That was just so sweet. So thankful I meet you and have followed you for the past year and 1/2. You were one of the first to help me when I first began blogging and I as so very thankful for all your help and great projects you have shared.Blessing my dear friend, Vicky
Dont panic too soon Barbara....the friends connect button isnt disappearing for all of us who have a Blogspot blog. Only those who use the typepad blogs and other type blogs that arent blogspots will be losing the use of it. But as far as I can tell, us bloggers are safe and sound. Here is Bloggers post on it Hope this helps shed some light on the matter. Im quite a newbie follower and am loving your blog. Lee xx
Why is your blog follow button coming to an end? You sound as though you are leaving us ... Please don't!
It's been so fun getting to know you on your blog and I know someday we will meet in person.
I will keep coming back and thanks for being such a generous blogger.
I read that Google Followers won't go away, it'll just be called something different. I don't know. Everyone seems to have a different understanding of the changes that will take place. Guess all we can do is go with the flow. Wishing you all the best, Tammy
I have just discovered your blog, and I love looking through the wonderful posts you've made! I have you saved under my favorites so I can always find you!
You have expressed my thoughts, too. Thanks to you for sharing.♥♫
Isn't it just awful that we will lose our followers! I have included a "Linky Follower" button on my side bar and encouraged everyone to follow me there so we don't lose touch. If you want to do that too you can through the button on my blog. Please consider it so we can continue to know what you're creating!
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