It's time again.
Time to show your finished projects for this week.
Go on over to Monica's,
Expressly Corgi, and take a look at projects that have been done this week
for Get R Done Friday.
Show and Tell Friday at Kelli's House
and FLAUNT YOUR RED FRIDAY!!over at Southern Lady
Thank you ladies, for the
great hosting job!!!
OK, first my excuses.
I have had a petty unmotivated week,
due mainly to processing some sad news.
So, the project with the foot board did not get done.
I can just about guarantee it will, someday! =0))
I may actually make it into a bench which
i would have more use for than a shelf.

So, out with this project, and on to what i did get done.
I did get this old trivet...
You know, the kinds you see at garage
sales all the time with the tile broken out?

I got it spray painted red,
(my wee little flaunt your red Friday)
and a piece of Masonite painted with chalk board paint,

And antiqued it, and put on an easel,
(in case you do not have a wall to hang it on,)
and got the eraser painted to match,
and got it put in the kitchen at the store.

And I did get this done.
An ordinary, bit used,
white melamine bread box,
taped off,
and painted with blackboard paint,
and today's baking needs written on it.

Do you all know about the pens
for writing on black boards and it is not all chalky and dusty?
And it washes off with water?
Chalk Ink is the new best thing!
It applies smoothly...doesn't make a mess...and looks more vibrant and colorful than plain chalk.
Michael's has them, 4 for $11.00 or so.
It is in with the scrapbook pens, not over by the blackboards as one might think.
And, did you know you must 'season'
your chalk board before using it??
Take a piece of chalk on it's edge and color all over the board before using it.
Erase the chalk, and you're set to go.
(otherwise the first time you write it will not erase all the way).
Thanks for joining in.
Hope my
next week is more
Barbara Jean