Go on over to
me n my house
to see every one's 'junk'
for this one special party!!!
I'm also combining this with
Vintage Thingies Thursday

Thrift Store Thursday
Be sure to check out these wonderful blogs.
OK. Here is my post.
My fella would certainly say it is junk,
but they are 'treasures' to me. =0)
Like this scale. I don't know how old it is,
but who says junk can't be new. =0)
(and it's cream, so ya' gotta love it!!)
And you know these old cast iron whatever's are old.
The silver tray, a dime a dozen,
but you can do so many fun things with them.
This cute metal, very heavy metal,
shelf is from a church sale.
It had a price tag from a gift hosp on it.
Would you believe i got it for $2.00?
(of course you would. I just told you)
Love that old looking frame.
The old door knobs
were a great find at $3.00 each!!
And embroidery. Who can ever have enough of it?
This was a fun find.
It is an old newspaper that was wrapped around
the heavy glass cake dome i got. for $2.00.
The little bird things are very common,
but good filler at the store.
And the clock, nice, but nothing extraordinary.
But the other two,
they are my faves!!
That beautiful mirror,
and the glass dish that go with it.
And, the piece de resistance,
The old fan.
Absolutely lovin' it!!!
Be sure to thank our wonderful hostesses.
Barbara Jean
Barbara Jean, what wonderful things...I see no junk here!! I just found a silver tray like the one you have in your post...I am going to do something with it..when I get more time!!
I love the fan and the mirror and matching dish. Those are so pretty...and I can not resist embroider items when I find them. I have way more that I will ever use or do something with.
Have a great VTT!! Wonderful Post today!!
oooohhhh what lovely treasures!!..my fav is that gorgeous old fan :)
Hi Barb looks like you are finding some treasures. I don't know how you are so good on the computer,blogging etc. I'm impressed.Have a wonderful week~ Kathy
Baaarb! I wanna come visit and go thrifting with you! You got the Susan Branch Summer Book! I have it too! :) I love Susan Branch!! I kind of discovered blogging through her LOL. I was googling her and a blogger, actually Cindy from My Romantic Home, had something about her on her blog and then I was entranced by Cindy's blog and soon found everyone else lol. You find the greatest treasures Barb! It's not junk LOL it's awesome! So I can come visit right? ;) LOL
All the best,
ooooh! I'm just in love with the cornbread pan!
Fun and interesting finds. Happy Thrifty Thursday!
Great finds! Love the fan but my favorite has to be the cast iron corn dog pan!
That scale is a fabulous find... I found an old hanging one for my laundry room! Great "junk"!
The "old cast iron whatevers" are molds for baking cornbread. I've seen them used - - - well, not your exact set - - - but another set very like it.
I love everything you've found! Every single one is such a sweet piece of 'junk' because it's just so perfect!
Fun, fun, fun! That cornbread pan is a great find. My faves are the door knobs and the mirror/jar set.
I like the old fan!!! Brings back memories - without government control on everything, of course.
Hi barb, I want the flowery mirror and matching dish!;)
Thanks for visiting and commenting at my blog.
Have a blessed week.
That old article is so amusing. I bet we're all on the "road to confusion."
Wow, you found some great stuff!
Oh, you found lots of goodies! I can never pass up a cheap scale, love the white metal shelf, and that fan is so cute. Great finds!
Barbara Jean, you are a serious thrifter! I love that metal shelf, and the fan is really cool. My grandma used to make the best, crunchy cornbread in one of those cast iron corn cob pans.
OH the irony of the newspaper article! That's priceless. And isn't heavy metal and church an oxymoron or something? Should those two things go together! Love your stuff!
Great treasure hunting! I like it all.
my favorite treasure is your old fan...it's fabulous!
have a wonderful day.
Nice finds! Love the scale and tray.
I love the vanity set! Lovely~ Theresa
What beautiful and unique treasures, no junk there!
You always have the best "junk"! I am in LOVE with that old fan...it is amazing.
my heart just skipped a beat when i saw that kitchen scale! I LOVE IT! i've been on the look out for one, but haven't come across one yet, the colors are perfect! amazing finds!
Wow~ Awesome finds!!
Hello Barbara Jean - I'm new to your sweet blog! I love your finds, especially the fan!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful finds!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful finds!
Truly one man's junk is another man's treasure. So many things I got rid of I wish I had back (some things I see you got). I guess it becomes a question of time and space--at one time I saw it as junk and I still don't have the space to keep it all.
Some folks may call your finds junk, but I think they are great.
Great treasures. I too love that fan!
Nothin' junky there at all! Great finds...my favorites are the mirror and matching dish...lovely!
you are so lucky to get lovely treasures with a great price too!! I surely like your scale & old cast iron.. Happy VTT & have a great day
Great stuff! I just got a silver try and made a hanging magnet memo holder, I'll Be posting about it in my blog soon.
Great finds. The newspaper clipping is funny! I was born in 1979.
Sorry I'm a little late to the party. But so glad I stopped by. You have quite a few wonderful finds you are showing off! And you have excellent taste in the book department (I have the same Summer Time book by Susan Branch :0) Thanks for sharing all your great goodies!
Wow, you found some real treasures! I just happened to find your Junk Party and am having the best time! Your blog is very nice.
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