I went for a long drive in the country last weekend.
I was going to get an old wheelbarrow I saw in an ad.
Beautiful day.
Loved seeing all of nature on the way.
Beautiful flowers...
Such an enjoyable and peaceful time.
I stopped to look at something, and much to my surprise,
they was a bear along side the road!
It was about 5' tall! Big brown bear up on it's hind legs!
I have never seen one so close.
It was about 6' from my car.
Well of course I had my camera with me. I take it with me everywhere I go.
I sat and debated for a minute. Did I dare get out of the car to take a closer look?
To get a great picture?
The bear did not seem to be at all alarmed,
or even caring I was there.
So I decided to do it.
To get out.
To risk it all to get this great shot.
I walked up within 4' of the bear.
I kind of came up by it's side.
and then it happened!
I got it!
The best shot ever of a close up of a bear!
Then I walked around right in front of him.
And here he is.
A bear holding a mailbox.
And that is my outdoor Wednesday adventure today.
Have any outdoor adventures of your own?
Want to read more outdoor adventures?
Get on over to Susan's @ a Southern Daydreamer
and see everyone elses great outdoor pics.
Thanks for coming by, and thanks Susan for hosting.

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oh, that's an adorable bear mailbox holder! what a neat idea!
You are so funny, I was reading your post and holding my breath when you said you got out of the car to take a picture of a bear, of course, you didn't say it was a LIVE bear....when i scrolled down and saw it, i waqs shaking my head and laughing.....great story, Barband yes, it was a neat mailbox holder....
Love of the pics you captured. The bear holding the mailbox is adorable. Happy Outdoor Wed.
Hysterical!!! I was thinkin' OH NO!! Judi
You had me going! So cute! :o) Love your photos...
You got me!!!!
Hahaha! You scared me for a minute. Nooo.....don't get out. LOL!
Clever write ... got everyone's attention! didn't you! Chuckle. Love your pics.
Have a great day.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Too cute Barbara Jean! I cracked up when I finally saw the bear!
I was actually thinking 'she's totally crazy!" So glad it was just a carved animal! ♥♫
There is nothing like a wonderful little walk outside - does so much good for the soul. Loved the pictures! That bear looks pretty harmless!
Cute! You got me too!
I would have done it exactly the same way. We think alike!
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