We took the day off this week and went to the coast.
Only about an hours drive from home, and a nice break.
Our view while eating.
Then we hit the candy store.
Always get a piece of light chocolate Sea Foam while at the coast.

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What a pleasant way to spend the day. Gosh, I admire your willpower though, just one tiny piece of that yummy looking stuff?
Barbara Jean ~ Ohhh that is so pretty !! I wish I lived that close to the ocean ~ The food looks yumi too !!
My kind of day ! I was near an ocean once for about a week in Nova Scotia and I just loved it, the atmosphere is different.
Hubby and I often share a treat its too perfect !
Don't you feel blessed? I love to escape to the ocean when I can. Luckily yesterday was one of those days. Thrifting on Cape Cod.
What a wonderful way to spend the day!!
You looked as tho you had a wonderful time...seafood to GO GOOD.
But you have a LOT more self control than I would have with that FUDGE.
Only two bites...HA !! I don't think so.
My hubby and I alwasy share a dessert...but .....well, what can I say I am a sweetaholic.
what a lovely place to have an afternoon! I could be so happy there!
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