The things you see will be for sale unless otherwise noted. Please email me if you see anything you are interested in knowing more about. Will set up with PayPal when my friend comes over soon. =0)
(oh, for those who have been asking, I will post my bird nests again).
I am working on new ones also.
If you see one you like, you may want to snatch it up,. They are all one of a kind, and, a couple will be giveaway prizes, so you don't want to wait and miss out. =0))
OK, here we go.
A is for aprons. Most are vintage, with one hand-made by a local young lady.
The one at the top of the post is a vintage, hand-made, out of hankies. It is beautifully done!
Love the 2nd one the best!
The second one is the one hand-made by a local gal. (good taste) =)
This site is so awesome. Some of your vintage items are pretty neat and so great that you can actually find some hand made locally too.
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